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FENa 计算器

在线计算网 · 发布于 2021-10-13 09:35:02 · 已经有603人使用

About \( FE_{Na} \) Calculator

The \( FE_{Na} \) Calculator is used to calculate the fractional excretion of sodium.

\( FE_{Na} \) Definition

The fractional excretion of sodium (abbreviated as \( FE_{Na} \) ) is the percentage of the sodium filtered by the kidney which is excreted in the urine. It is measured in terms of plasma and urine sodium, rather than by the interpretation of urinary sodium concentration alone, as urinary sodium concentrations can vary with water reabsorption.


The \( FE_{Na} \) calculation formula is as follows:

\( FE_{Na} = (U_{Na} × P_{Cr}) / (U_{Cr} × P_{Na}) × 100% \)


\( FE_{Na} \) Value Category Description
< 1% prerenal disease the physiologic response to a decrease in renal perfusion is an increase in sodium reabsorption to control hypovolemia.
> 2% or 3% acute tubular necrosis or other kidney damage either excess sodium is lost due to tubular damage, or the damaged glomeruli result in hypervolemia resulting in the normal response of sodium wasting.
intermediate either disorder In renal tract obstruction, values may be either higher or lower than 1%. The value is lower in early disease, but with renal damage from the obstruction, the value becomes higher.


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